A Platform for Revenue Intelligence
and Revenue Leak Mitigation


Say goodbye to revenue leaks that go unnoticed. Take advantage of RevenUp’s cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning models to analyze vast volumes of data across functional boundaries.

Detect elusive revenue leaks across all GTM operations that are otherwise invisible to the organization.

Uncover inefficiencies, irregularities, and nonconformities within your revenue processes.

Pinpoint areas of revenue loss and take proactive measures to mitigate financial risks.


Efficiently tackle revenue leaks head-on with RevenUp's robust remediation capabilities.

Perform your own on-demand investigative research within RevenUp and validate the leak and remediation.

Foster collaboration and seamless communication among team members across the organization.

Streamline the remediation process with automated workflows, assigned tasks, and results tracking.

Monitor & Maintain

Always stay one step ahead of future revenue leaks with ongoing real-time monitoring with RevenUp.

Get real-time monitoring that provides comprehensive visibility into your revenue leak mitigation plans.

Set custom triggers and notifications to identify deviations from the prescribed remediation plan, or revenue leakage regressions proactively.

Maintain a comprehensive audit trail for internal success monitoring and regulatory compliance.

Rectify issues as they emerge, share progress reports, and build support for your value creation strategy.


Gain full funnel visibility from lead to opportunity to closed won to customer lifetime value with RevenUp's innovative process mining capabilities.

Automatically detects the real-state of your current revenue process.

Discover funnel inefficiencies and process deviations hereto invisible to the organization.

Perform deep dive root cause analysis through cohort-based drill downs to identify the factors contributing to revenue leakage.

Perform what-if simulations to make data-driven decisions for revenue maximization.


RevenUp goes beyond revenue leak management by delivering automatic alerts on GTM inefficiencies and anomalies hereto invisible to the organization.

Set up proactive alerts and notifications for a broad range of RevOps metrics and KPIs and stay ahead of revenue shortfalls.

Uncover valuable insights across departments and functions, enabling you to identify process bottlenecks, optimize resource allocation, and drive operational efficiency.

Leverage the power of predictive analytics to forecast revenue trends, identify potential risks, and uncover growth opportunities.

Benchmark your revenue performance against industry standards or internal targets.


Unleash the power of data visualization and gain a panoramic view of your revenue landscape like never before.

Track a comprehensive set of RevOps metrics with RevenUp’s cross-functional dashboards.

Empower your Revenue Operations teams to delve into operational data effortlessly across siloed sources without the need for manual analysis.

Perform deep dive root cause analysis through cohort-based drill downs to identify the factors contributing to revenue leakage.

Perform what-if simulations to make data-driven decisions for revenue maximization.

Out-of-the-box integration to key revenue data sources

Connect easily and securely to your GTM data and build a single source
of truth across all of your RevOps systems.

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